Website T&C

Registration & Posting

You will need to register to be able to add comments…

Simply fill in your email and desired username and you will receive your password by email.

Once registered you can fill in your profile details, then you can add comments to posts.

You are invited to register if you live in, or are thinking of moving to Sellars Bridge or the surrounding area (Gloucestershire), or if you have information which is relevant to people living in the area. “Outsiders” registering to post comments or create posts which are pointless or irrelevant will be removed from the website.

Terms and Conditions

As a comment/post contributor, you warrant that all comments added by you to the Blog:
1. Are not defamatory, abusive, libellous, obscene, threatening or in any other way likely to cause offence.
2. Do not violate copyright or other intellectual property rights.

You agree to indemnify and the administration team associated with, against all actions, claims, costs, demands, liabilities, expenses, damages or losses arising out of or in connection with any claim relating to defamation, libel, copyright or intellectual property rights violation.

sellars-bridge do not allow the addition of anonymous comments. Each user posting to a Blog understands that the blog post/comment can be traced to their specific user account containing their email address, user name, date and time of sign up and IP address at date and time of sign up to

By posting comments on, the user agrees to allow the content to be re-used or quoted by the administration team without notification.

The administrators of this website reserve the right to approve, move and edit all user comments and posts.

Reporting a Post

If you find content in a blog posting or comment to be offensive, defamatory, in violation of copyright or other laws, or in any other way unacceptable, please contact us so we may take appropriate action; (please tell us the title of the posting and your reasons for reporting  Emails should be sent to


Views expressed are those of the respective contributors and do not necessarily represent the views of the website owners.
The administration team disclaims all liability for the comments and opinions expressed on the website by it’s users.

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